Search to join the Arc Institute as an Innovation Investigator

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Arc Institute seeks outstanding scientists to join the Institute as Innovation Investigators. The successful applicants would be awarded $1 million in unrestricted funding over 5 years to pursue visionary ideas in curiosity-driven science and technology development. Innovation Investigators are current faculty at our three partner universities (Stanford University, UC Berkeley, and UCSF) who act as intellectual bridges between the universities and the institute, while maintaining their labs, employment and appointments at their home university. During the 5-year appointment, Innovation Investigators benefit from access to Arc resources and facilities, including the opportunity to collaborate with our Technology Centers and to use Arc scientific core facilities.

Candidates who aspire to groundbreaking research in immunology or neurobiology, with an emphasis on application to complex human disease, are particularly encouraged to apply.

This search is open to current faculty at our three partner universities (Stanford University, UC Berkeley, and UCSF). All faculty ranks (Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor) will be considered. To receive full consideration, candidates are encouraged to apply by March 15, 2025.

Additional questions you may have

Application and Eligibility

Who is eligible to apply?
Are there specific research areas Arc is planning to fund?
Are letters of recommendation required?

Terms of the Appointment

How many awards will be given?
Does the Arc Innovation Investigator award affect my employment?
How long is the term of the award?
Is the award renewable? When and how will renewals be decided?
Is there a minimum effort requirement for Arc Innovation Investigators?
Which Arc resources will I be able to access?
Can members of my lab work at Arc?
How much on-site time will I be expected to spend at Arc?
How will intellectual property (IP) work?
What are the reporting requirements?
Is there a possibility to transition to a Core Investigator position at Arc?


What is the direct cost budget available to me?
What about indirect costs?
How will salaries/benefits work?
Are there any other awards I will be restricted from having at the same time as I am an Arc Innovation Investigator?